Introducing Quakers

Quakers are a free-thinking faith organisation. We are people of differing spiritual beliefs, lifestyles and social backgrounds, and we welcome everyone. We have no ‘creed’ or dogma. Instead, we encourage people to believe only what they have experienced for themselves.​

More than what we believe, we are brought together by what we do.

Explore the pages below to discover more about what that means.

  • ripples on still water

    What is a Quaker Meeting?

    Quakers value time spent in quiet reflection as an antidote to our busy lives and a way to find guidance.

  • the words peace integrity equality simplicity and sustainability of a wall

    Quaker Values

    Over the centuries, Quakers have been drawn to a set of core values which they use to guide how they lead their lives.

  • woman reading a map standing in a road

    Finding Meaning and Purpose

    Quakers use a blend of spirituality and action to find meaning and purpose in their lives.

  • people stood in a group

    Quaker Community

    Quakers come together in person and online to connect with others who share a common spiritual practice and values.

  • woman speaking in front of a banner saying Quakes for peace

    Working for Peace

    Quakers work locally and internationally to promote peace over conflict and war.

  • large group of people with banners

    Social Action

    Many Quakers find meaning a purpose in their lives by helping others and tackling social injustice.