'Simple, Radical, Spiritual': What's Quaker Week about?

Quaker Week runs from September 28th to October 6th (some quick mental arithmetic tells you that’s longer than a week, but we never said Quakers were good at maths!). 

It’s a week dedicated to letting the world know that, 370 years on from where we started, the Quaker way is still very much alive, kicking, and relevant today.

This is reflected in this year’s theme of ‘Simple. Radical. Spiritual.’ These three words go to the heart of what Quakerism has always been about: living simply, taking action on what matters to us, and exploring our own spiritual paths through silence, stillness and connection with others.

Up and down the country, Quaker Meetings are celebrating with community events to which all are welcome. Here’s just a few exciting events coming up over the week:

A campfire Quaker Meeting in Birmingham: A few minutes of quiet, followed by activities exploring Quaker values of peace, equality, truth and simplicity, plus marshmallows and popcorn!

DIY Spirituality, Religion and Silence in Bath: ‘How can we help each other to cultivate and live out our faith in the ways that are right for each of us?’ The first in a series of events for newcomers and those who are curious about Quakers. (Not actually during Quaker Week, but just after).

The Life and Times of George Fox in Edinburgh: Ben Pink Dandelion from Woodbrooke Quaker College will speak about the life of George Fox, the society and times he lived in, and how the Quaker movement was established. (And there’ll be lunch!)

It’s a great time to connect with your Local Meeting and find out more about what they’re up to. You can get directly in touch with a Friend from your nearest Quaker meeting here.


Exploring Quaker Experiences: Ministry
